The Manuals

The Manuals

Picture of the manuals

Except for the drawbars,
this set of manuals is complete

Picture of stripped manuals

Stripped Manuals

Picture of using rust check on the manuals

Picture showing no rust in manuals

The Manuals

Sometimes after years of drinks spilling in the manuals it will be necessary
to use some rust check to prevent further damage. On the right you see a
manual that has never had liquids spilled into it. The red arrows are showing the
key combs and the yellow arrows, the contact bins.

Picture of stripped manuals

Not much rust in this one

Picture of the percussion switch

This little switch is activated by the B preset on the upper manual
It's for the percussion

Picture of bus-bars

Picture of round bus-bars

Above left, rectangle busbars. On the right, the round type. Hard to see in this photo but there are a few different shapes to bus bars. All organs today need to have new up stop felts installed (pictured blow left). It makes a big difference as to how the keyboard action feels. Picture on lower right is a percussion switch.

Picture of new up-stop felts installed

Picture of the percussion switch

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